Juli 2024
...und wir liegen gut in der Zeit! Die ersten 6 Monate waren spannende Monate. Neben interessanten Projekten, hat sich auch intern noch einiges getan. Wir haben uns im Stabspersonal weiter verstärkt und die Prozesse intern optimiert. Unsere Scanner-App wurde um ein paar wichtige Features ergänzt und mit der TISAX-Zertifizierung haben wir auch unseren sensiblen Umgang mit Daten nachgewiesen.
Was sonst noch so alles passiert ist, haben wir auf der folgenden SWAY zusammengestellt.
Februar 2024
NOCHMAL ALLES GEBEN - SIEGERTREPPCHEN - wir blicken zurück auf unser erfolgreiches Jahr 2023 und nehmen Sie mit auf eine Reise in die kurze Vergangenheit.
Valeria Pirracchio steigt in das Team mit ein und erweitert unser Portfolio im Bereich des Talent Managements. Das Scouting, die persönliche Ansprache und das Zusammenbringen der Kundeanfrage und unserer Talente ist ihr Hauptgeschäft. Gemeinsam mit dem Key Account Management und der Geschäftsführung werden wir so noch schneller auf die Anfragen unsere Kunden reagieren können!
Viel Erfolg Valeria, und auf gute Zusammenarbeit!
August 2023
SCHICKANE - RUNTERSCHALTEN - GAS GEBEN - wir blicken zurück auf die ersten 6 Monate und zeigen die Zwischenzeiten der Monatsrunden
In the area of employee leasing, we are now actively strengthening ourselves with a Key Account Manager. Ahmet Mehmetukaj takes the lead here and will set new accents together with our customers, employees and the team. Take a closer look as he introduces himself (Link). Or send him an e-mail to get in touch (kam[a]bepartner.de).
Good luck and to good cooperation!
February 2023
TOP SPEED, FASTEST ROUND, END CLASSEMENT - the year 2022 celebrates its end of season and there are again many news. Take a look, get an idea!
July 2022
Intermediate Time, Top Speed, Fastest Lap - there's plenty of news from the business units again in the first half of 2022. Take a look, get an idea!
June 2022
Celebrate the hattrick together with us!
In 2022, be partner is once again one of the top personnel service providers of the year for the news magazine FOCUS and the opinion researchers from STATISTA. Once again, HR managers and applicants voted for us and put us on the podium!
This is proof of our continuous top performance and an incentive for our colleagues to be at the top again next year!
Here you can find more information: LINK
December 2021
Our highlights of the second half of the year - summarized in short glimpes and put to the point.
December 2021
In the sense of joie de vivre we want to give a little joy to people and animals who are not as well off as we are. Therefore we are converting our Christmas budget into a donation for the Children's Hospice Stuttgart and the Dogo Argentino in Not e.V. association.
Seasons greetings,
the team of the be partner Group
May 2021
Even in a year of yellow flags and safety car phases (COVID-19), be partner was named one of Germany's top personnel service providers by Focus magazine.
And in 2021, the be partner EXPERTS team reached the winner's podium in three out of four categories: Freelancer Recruiter, Professional & Specialist Search and Temporary Staffing.
Together with Statista, the business magazine surveyed almost 2,000 HR managers in companies and external personnel service providers as well as 1,700 candidates on their favorites.
Also in 2021 be partner was awarded for the quality and selection of the offered positions or candidate profiles as well as the service quality. And that in this challenging year.
By the way: We received the award because we achieved a minimum number of mentions, a minimum score across all evaluation dimensions, and a minimum percentage of recommendations. A result that confirms our performance and drives us forward.