Study exemplary success stories from our service portfolio. We will be happy to develop a project approach that is perfectly tailored to your needs, so that you too can be the first to reach the finish line!
SCAn - Supply Chain Analyser Through the intelligent positioning of scanners, process chains can be targeted and can be captured.
Mit unserer Eigenentwicklung SCAn (Supply Chain Analyser) schließen Sie die digitale Lieferkette und erhalten die notwendige Transparenz in Ihren Prozessen. Durch intelligente Positionierung von Scannern erfassen wir gezielt ihre Prozesskette - auch standortübergreifend!
Digitalisation on the market: the best example of enhanced market performance is the digital car dealership. Drive the racing line from the workshop to the service centre – thanks to digitally automated processes.
Supplier management Introduction of a process to ensure parts supply in the pre-production phase
E-Mobility in the motor home industry How can this be done? Our business case provides sound analysis for our client - one of the largest motorhome manufacturers in Europe.